Is it really an accident.. or is it something very different?
Art: Benjamin Balázs
by Lian Brook-Tyler
As I learned during years in shamanic initiation and then in shamanic work since, anything that happens during a ceremony… be that the candle that gets knocked over, the way we’re struggling to light the sacred fire, the friction between people, or the rain beating down… all of these things have meaning are not incidental and accidental as we might normally think of these things, and they aren’t a problem to be solved (perhaps aside from taking action to resolve something that will cause damage). All of these things are part of the ceremony, in fact, a vital part of the ceremony, something to be observed, learn from, and help us to heal.
The same is true with other intentional forms of inner work, for example, in Liberty Quest, our shamanic alchemical crucible (which is really an eight-week long ceremony) of working with the Mushroom spirit. There are all kinds of things happening that can seem as though they are not meant to happen… things that have gone wrong, challenging feelings, struggles with microdosing itself, resistance, allergies, pain from old injuries, and so on.
And the ongoing invitation from the Mushroom is to see that everything is part of the ceremony, it all has a place, it’s all happening to guide us in accepting what is, to heal and grow.
This is an orientation, a perspective, and a way of being in all of life, that can be deeply serving for those of us in the Great Work.
We can relate to all things that show up, not as accidental, unwelcome, or incidental… the parking ticket, the illness, the triggering comment, the forgotten appointment, the nightmare, even the bereavement… but as synchronistic, as vital material for our liberation, and as sacrament.
And my invitation to you is not to take my words and decide if they’re right or wrong, it’s to notice what’s arising as you read this and to see how that might serve you in the unfolding of your own soul’s unique myth.
All my love,
P.S. The next Liberty Quest will begin in the autumn…
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