Need to receive
ART: Paul Pastourmatzis
by Lian Brook-Tyler
Do you need to receive “it” in order to move beyond needing it?
It could be someone’s acknowledgement or blessing.
It could be a particular kind of relationship dynamic.
It could be the confirmation that your intuition was accurate.
It could be a material resource.
It could be external evidence of an inner change.
It could be an experience of unconditional acceptance of who you are.
And yet, you also wonder if needing it is keeping you stuck and dependent.
In the latest guidance circle in our Academy of the Soul, UNIO, I responded to a student’s request for guidance.
Jenny [not her real name] was wrestling with the way she had experienced receiving her partner’s unexpected blessing about her doing something (something seemingly quite simple and mundane) as providing a huge and even more unexpected shift in her motivation for doing her soul work, which she’d recently been struggling to find.
She was concerned that it meant she was dependent on him and needed his permission to be herself, which was something she’d spent a long time working on, which perhaps revealed a still gaping wound that she felt she’d already done so much healing work on.
As part of my reply, I said “…sometimes we need to receive something before we’re ready to move beyond needing it.”
This means allowing ourselves, which is often really our inner child, to fully receive something that’s nourishing, affirming, and loving, to allow it to soak right in, and not shame ourselves for not being sovereign or healed enough to not need it.
To finally receive it might well be the healing that means we no longer need it, it might open the doorways to begin or go deeper in that work, or it might take us in another direction altogether - the beauty of the soul path is the surprising twists and turns it take us on in service of our wholeness.
Jenny felt the truth of that for her in this unfolding, she’d needed to receive his blessing, at last, and that was OK, and she also felt the honesty and self-kindness in recognising this.
And as so often happens, several other students felt how this related to their own experience too.
What I’ve described here certainly isn’t always the case… sometimes the reverse is true… but when it is, it can be one of the most healing and liberating things to understand.
How does this land for you?
And if you’d like guidance, support, and kinship as you walk the path of soul, come join us in UNIO - our next community ceremony is on the 1st August.
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All my love,
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