Shamanism Vs. Alchemy…
Pic: The feather… subjectively, objectively?
by Lian Brook-Tyler
Shamanism Vs. Alchemy…
The more we bring together shamanism and alchemy (especially through an unashamedly mythopoetic lens) in the work of healing, individuation, and union (as we do at Be Mythical), the more a dichotomy can seem to arise between them.
Very simply and reductively put (overly and maybe dangerously so, if this wasn’t a post only a few rare souls would likely be interested in, let alone have an opinion on!)…
Shamanism calls us to relate to things/being/spirits as conscious beings in their own right.
Alchemy calls us to relate to things/beings/spirits as symbols and archetypes reflecting inner aspects.
The feather I found last week has been asking me to sit again in the liminal space between these two vast worlds that my soul has called me to devote to and unite within myself and my work.
You might be able to see why.
And, if I have my way (#libra ), shamanic teacher, Chris Luttichau and I will be exploring this fascinating Venn diagram (disclaimer: I’m a massive Venn fan #tellmeyoureautisticwithouttellingmeyoureautistic) between shamanism and mythology on the Be Mythical podcast this week - if you’re a rare soul interested in hearing it, subscribe to catch it when it’s released into the world soon.
*The podcast episode with Chris Luttichau is now available to listen here.
All my love!
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